Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cover Letter

Tim Mattson
English 102
May 10, 2011

Cover Letter

When I first started class in English 102 I was expecting a lot different atmosphere. I was expecting just the typical boring English class where you just write a paper and turn it in. I honestly was not looking forward to the class. I definitely had a negative perspective in the beginning. Only thing I was happy about was the fact that I was almost done with taking English classes for the rest of my life. I never thought of myself as a very strong writer. I’m more of a visual person. Give me a camera to film videos and I could voice my opinion a lot stronger then in writing. My grammar has not always been the best I always forget small items. When I’m writing I don’t know why but I can never think of what to say. I always read other peoples papers and they sound so sophisticated and perfect. I look back at mine and they are just horrible compared to what some people can do.

My thinking process has changed as a writer a lot through this whole course. I figured out it doesn’t matter what other people do or how well their paper sounds. Just to focus on my own paper and do the best that I can do. I learned how to thoroughly analyze a course and what I have learned well this course. I learned that writing papers is not my strong point. My strong point is when it comes to technology. Give me a website to build or a video to make I find it way more interesting than just writing. Even though in a website I’m just writing I’m more engaged in the project because I find the website part to be very interesting. I found a good way to find sources that I never thought of before. That’s by taking a look at someone else’s work and looking at the sources they cited. Ever since I started to use that technique my research time has been cut in half. That is definitely a time saver.

I’m of the improvements I have done with my writing. I can notice a difference in the way I write. Some things I’m not so proud of this semester is that I underestimated my time. I took on a full time job thinking I could do it. It was alright the first few months. Later I found myself getting worn out day by day. I didn’t do the best I could in this course. Did I learn a lot in this class? Yes I did. I learned probably more in this class than any other class. I did find myself crunched for time and getting behind in my school work.

My website revision went great. I took a look at the review sheet. I completely agree about the title on how it could lose my audience quick. I choose a new appropriate title. It’s not the best I have not always been the greatest of thinking of titles. I put into consideration of the pricing and deleting it. I felt that I should keep it just for extra information if someone were to be curious about estimates or specs. I did add an extra tab all on the different cultures between Mac and PC. Many things I have read online I could relate to in real life. The studies between PC and Mac people are amazing. I don’t want to spoil it so you will have to go to my website to read all about it.

The way I’m going to use what I have learned later is probably in a future job. From my time at the Discovery Center and the different audiences we analyzed it gives me a good notice on what to write about. In the future if I’m even writing a resume this course has given me a good perspective on who might be reading it and what I should be careful about writing about. That’s just one example in your job even a simple email could say a lot to another employee. There are so many different areas that I will continue to use what I have learned in this class. All I can say it has been a great learning experience and I found it very exciting to do the extra work with the Discovery Center. Even thought I might not get the greatest grade in the class I felt I learned a lot from it.

Website URL http://pcvsmacwhichoneisbetter.weebly.com/apple-prices.html
Sorry I can never seem to get the website url to link correctly.

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